We have some technical projects that will interest you!
1. new generation Desulfatory. Those devises helps support the workof modernbatteries on the maximumcapacity during thewarranty period ofseveral. We canupgradeexisting systems.
2. Radiant, currents free chargers by Bedini method. It will speed up charging the battery 2 times compared to the existed currents charging.
3. Motor have created with Edvin Gray technology. We can replicates this system at our university.
4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvD9R_tQOiw. We can replicate this system. All details at meeting. I can improve this technology with electromagnetic screening.
5. We have mobile of Kapanadze.
6. TPU of Steven Mark. Unic system with selfchrgang.
7. Rossi heat reactor. We have developed adetailedtechnology.All details at meetingat Lviv.
8. Gas generator of Berden. Home generator of HHO gas for home use.
9. Parametric resonance
10. Ankvich generator. Home electric Self powered generatro. I have some experimental details. Wich based elecsromagnetic scrining.
11. EnergyHavesting. That system based on Avramenko fork.
12. resonance Inductionheaters with exect tecnology
13. ProfessionalBroadbandinverters based on TLT 474.