The hardware program complex scanner «Modulated Broadband Electromagnetic Radiation» (MBER)

The hardware program complex scanner «Modulated Broadband Electromagnetic Radiation» (MBER)

The hardware program complex scanner «Modulated Broadband Electromagnetic Radiation» (MBER) consists of a laser, which is designed specifically to produce...

Pyramids with lithium niobate

Pyramids with lithium niobate

The optical laser beam modulator can operate in the range from 0 to 5 GHz.

The optical laser beam modulator can operate in the range from 0 to 5 GHz.

 The optical laser beam modulator can operate in the range from 0 to 5 GHz. Using an optical modulator it...

Marcinishin tube

Marcinishin tube

The Martsinyshin tube structures water and drinks, fills the Kozyrev time space by energy.

Optical modulator of sound matrices

Optical modulator of sound matrices

 The lithium niobate is pyroelectric, ferroelectric and piezoelectric; the material produces of two types: for optics and for acoustics. The...

WaveR — The device for quantum Gariaev matrices radiation by radiowaves

WaveR — The device for quantum Gariaev matrices radiation by radiowaves

прибор для зарядки торсионным полем продукции компании ЛР Прибор ВЕГА считывает заряд торсионного поля продукции компании ЛР torsion-field charging device...

A special attachment has been developed for the LGN-303

A special attachment has been developed for the LGN-303

There are no translations available A special attachment has been developed for the LGN-303 laser, which consists of the prism, a...

Тайна ауры Цибко разгадана

Кратко о Лингвистико-Волновой Генетике (ЛВГ)

Кратко о Лингвистико-Волновой Генетике (ЛВГ)

Наши исследования в этом направлении начаты в России в 20-х прошлого века усилиями А.Г.Гурвича, но забыты. Моя группа продолжила их,...

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